
Winner of Business Advisor of the Year 2017 Award

Nov 2 2017 in RCP
Winner of Business Advisor of the Year 2017 Award

Residency Bond Program Ltd proudly announces that Laszlo Gaal, mamaging director of the firm is the winner of Finance Monthly’s Global Awards 2017.

Every year Finance Monthly’s Global Awards recognise and commend financial advisers and organisations across the globe who have excelled in their work and have performed at the highest level possible.

When tasked with identifying the most successful individuals and companies from around the globe in order to produce this special awards edition, Finance Monthly’s research team has through careful consideration worked hard to assess nomination entries, and has conducted extensive research involving clients and peers. The end result is an awards publication which contains some of the most successful and trusted advisers and firms operating in today’s complex and dynamic financial and legal sectors.

Laszlo Gaal, managing partner of Residency Bond Program, said: “I am proud to be recognised by Finance Monthly Magasin and thank you for the votes of our clients.”

To view the awards publication please visit the Finance Monthly Winners Edition

Second home in Europe -- Latvia the secret option

Oct 23 2017 in Residency

If you are looking for a safe and affordable second home option in Europe, you may invest in Latvia. Latvian residence permit allows you:

  • Free travel in Europe
  • Live and work in a European country

The minimum investment starts from as low as 90,000 euro.

You may get your residence permit within 2 months.

Do not miss this opportunity, see the details of Latvia residence permit.

Dominica tops CBI Index

Aug 30 2017 in Citizenship
Dominica tops CBI Index

A special report from the CBI Index Research Team has ranked twelve countries, including five from the Caribbean, which offer Citizenship By Investment.

The report was published on the website of Professional Wealth Management (PWM). According to its website the PWM is published by the Financial Times and specialises in analysing the growth strategies of private banks and the regional financial centres in which they operate. In the special report published on Wednesday June 28 2017 Dominica came in number one out of the twelve countries in the Index with sixty-three points over seventy for a total of ninety percent.

The CBI Index included St. Kitts and Nevis, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Vanuatu, Cyprus, Comoros, Malta, Bulgaria, Austria and Cambodia.

Rank Country Score
1 Dominica 90
2 St Kitts and Nevis 88
3 Grenada 85
4 Antigua and Barbuda 78
5 Saint Lucia 76
6 Vanuatu 76
7 Cyprus 67
8 Comoros 66
9 Malta 64
10 Bulgaria 61
11 Austria 54
12 Cambodia 53

Considering the stability and longevity of the programmes in the Caribbean, it is no surprise that the Caribbean jurisdictions ranked in the CBI Index’s top five positions, with Dominica – home to one of the longest-running citizenship by investment programmes, and known for its speedy procedures and affordable entry thresholds – attaining the highest ranking. St Kitts and Nevis took second place due to its reputation for integrity and trust but scored slightly lower due to a higher investment threshold. Grenada, a relatively new programme relaunched in 2013, emerged from an unstable first year to become one of today’s most interesting citizenship by investment options, particularly following the implementation of reforms in 2015. Antigua and Barbuda and Saint Lucia, coming fourth and fifth respectively, completed the picture of a citizenship by investment arena dominated by the Caribbean.

Vanuatu, perhaps surprisingly for a less-known programme, ranked fifth together with Saint Lucia, having obtained consistently high scores under all the Pillars. Cyprus received the best score out of any European nation, distinguishing itself for its attractive travel and residence requirements. Comoros finished in eighth position, bolstered by its inexpensive investment requirements, rapid application turnarounds, and minimal travel and residence requirements – but damaged by its comparative inability to provide citizens with sufficient freedom of movement and a tolerable standard of living.

Winner of Business Excellence 2017 Award

Aug 16 2017 in RCP
Winner of Business Excellence 2017 Award

Residency Bond Program Ltd proudly announces that the firm is among the winners of Corporate Insider’s Business Excellence 2017 Award.

The 2017 Business Excellence awards display recognition of some of the world’s most prestigious companies. The full winner's guide can be found at:   

Arianna Smith, Head of Corporate Awards is simply elated with the stature of this year’s winners. Commenting on the vigorous level of competition this year, Arianna said:   “We were simply overwhelmed with the volume of nominations received for this year’s Business Excellence Awards. The judging panel had no easy task in selecting the winners, and I personally am very proud of each and every winner. It is always delightful to see how firms all over the world have developed and grown. And it is with great confidence to publish the 2017 Business Excellence Award Winners Guide. I look forward to visiting some of the winning firms on my travels in 2018.”

Laszlo Gaal, the managing partner of Residency Bond Program, said: “We are proud to be esteemed by our clients. We are also delighted to be listed among the most prestigious firms.”  

Budget Golden Visa in Europe

May 16 2017 in Residency

We now offer you Greece Golden Visa Programme. This option might suit you if you say:

  • I want to travel in Europe without a visa.
  • My budget is limited.
  • I want to make a safe investment in a Greek real estate.
  • I may live in a country of the European Union.
  • I need an easy and fast process.
  • I may want to upgrade to citizenship.

Just by a Greek property for at least 250,000 euro and you and your family will receive Greek residency visa within 2 months.

Read more about the Greece Golden Visa Programme.

The Hungarian Residency Bond Program is over

Apr 1 2017 in Residency
The Hungarian Residency Bond Program is over

Our client filed his application on 31st March 2017, and he was the last client of the Hungarian Residency Bond Program.

The Program is closed today and will be closed in the future as well. More exactly, the Program is on hold, but nobody knows the future. The Hungarian residency program was the most popular residency program in Europe. Till the end of 2016 more than 4,700 applicants entered the program together with more than 10,000 family members, and they received their permanent residence permit. The numbers of 2017 are not known, but I guess the final number is close to 6,000.

If you missed the excellent opportunity to get EU residence permit within 2 months, we offer you other great options. You may get a residence visa in Cyprus within 2 months by investing at least 300,000 euro in a Cyprian property. A lot of excellent properties are available in our portfolio.

The other promising option is Malta. Malta offers you an EU residency and consequently free travel in Europe within 3-4 month by investing 250,000 euro in government bonds.

If you are interested in getting a second passport, you may find the best citizenship by investment options here.

Interview with Laszlo Gaal managing director in Citizenship by Investment Spring 2017

Febr 22 2017 in RCP

We are living in a new world linked to Brexit, President Trump, terror attacks and EU crisis. What will be the “Trump effect” on citizenship by investment programs?

Events of the past few months, and now the Trump presidency, are having a severe impact on the thinking of wealthy people regarding new escape routes, such as second residences and citizenships. People are becoming uncertain and unsatisfied everywhere in the world, even in rich countries. We experience a significant increase in new requests from all around the world. The world is not safe anymore, and the future is quite unpredictable. However, wealthy people are in the lucky position to move forward, seeking to secure a safe future for their children. A second passport or even a second residency is also the key to a second — presumably safe — home.

Your company was extremely successful with the Hungarian residency program. What happened to it?

Hungarian Residency Bond Program was very popular, More than 5000 applicants entered the program, and over ten thousand people (when including family members) have received Hungarian permanent residence permits. The numbers above outperform the success of any other European residency and citizenship programs. However, the Hungarian government will suspend the program on March 31st of 2017 because of the favourable developments in the country’s financing conditions in the last year. I am convinced that the Hungarian Residency Program was the best offer in Europe.

What is your secret?

We do not play the “trusted advisor role”, we just collaborate with our clients. We are well aware that the future of their family is the most important. We work together with our clients aiming to find a solution that satisfies them. They know what they want; we know what is possible, so the result is the best possible solution. Investment is a human relation. If you do not trust the other person, you will not give your money to him or her. The “human factor” is the most important factor in our business. We build trust.

What is the best offer for high-net-worth individuals in 2017?

I think the “oldies” will work well in 2017 as well. I see a great potential in the Caribbean programs. Some new rules and significant changes make it easier to get dual citizenship in this area. The proposed substantial increase of the minimum investment amount required for the EB-5 program and Canada’s focus on bringing more refugees into the country than attracting foreign capital may point investors in the direction of the Caribbean or even Europe.

Dominican Citizenship by Investment Program now recognises children up to 28 years of age as well as parents of applicants over 55 years of age fully-supported by the main applicant.

Since the appointment of Les Khan as the new Chief Executive in September 2016, the Citizenship by Investment Unit of Saint Kitts & Nevis has been completely overhauled and restructured leadership to a more robust due diligence framework, greater transparency and so improved credibility.

Saint Lucia has an intention to become the most innovative and secure program in the region. The recent changes, such as reducing the costs and removing the requirement to declare substantial financial resources, as well as the reintroduction of government bond option, are very straightforward.

Antigua is not Terra Incognita for wealthy people. Celebrities have been choosing this tiny Caribbean island as an investment playground, a place for a second home, or just vacation spot for many years.

What is the best offer in Europe?

For those who are seeking European citizenship and also an excellent investment, I would suggest Cyprus. The government of Cyprus revised the previous citizenship program and made it even more attractive. The minimal individual investment amount has been reduced from 5 million to 2 million euro. In return for a safe and profitable investment into residential properties, you get an EU passport within 3-4 months. The price of real estates we offer increased by 5-10% each year.

See the full interview...

Hungary Announces End to the Most Popular Residency by Investment Program

Jan 14 2017 in Residency
Hungary Announces End to the Most Popular Residency by Investment Program

The Hungarian government will stop accepting requests for Residency Bonds on March 31st of 2017, reported Residency Bond Program Ltd. While applications submitted before that date will still be processed, no new requests for Hungarian permanent residence permit by investment will be accepted after the end of March 2017. The Hungarian Residency Bond Program is the most popular residency by investment program in Europe.

The Hungarian Government Debt Management Agency announced that the government will stop selling residency bonds after March 31st of this year, citing favourable developments in the country’s financing conditions in the last year.

“Selling of residency bonds, played previously an important role, is not required in the future.” wrote the Hungarian Government Debt Management Agency. Residency bonds were sold for more than 1 billion euro in the last 3 years.

The Hungarian Residency Bond Program offers lifelong residence permit for the whole family since 2013. As Hungary is a member state of the European Union (EU) and also a Schengen country, people having Hungarian residence card may freely travel within Schengen zone without visa and border control and may also live and work in Hungary.

Hungary stands out from the crowd with its easy, fast and safe program. Investing of 300,000 euro into government bonds will result in a permanent residence permit within two months for the whole family.

"I am convinced that the Hungarian Residency Program is the best offer in Europe." said Residency Bond Program Ltd's managing director Laszlo Gaal, "The fast track is still open till the end of March 2017.”

Hungarian Residency Bond Program is very popular, More than 4700 applicants entered the program, and almost ten thousand people (including family members) have received Hungarian residence permits. The numbers above outperform the success of other European residency and citizenship programs.

“We find that many people are looking to enhance their lifestyle by travelling or living in Europe. Some of them are willing to invest a considerable amount of money in obtaining European residency or citizenship.” reported Kriszta Tasnadi, client manager of Residency Program Ltd.

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